SkyDoc Upgrades
We release our new features on SkyDoc to coincide with NetSuite releases.
Current Version:
NetSuite 2020.1
SkyDoc Advanced v 2020.1
- Enhanced file privacy
- Check out files
- View SkyDoc files attached to related transactions
- SkyDoc files are retained as an entity transitions progresses through the customer life cycle
- Assign a SkyDoc file to multiple categories
- Upgraded user interface
- SkyDoc Portlet available for NetSuite Dashboard
- Drag and drop files to expense report lines.
- Data Archiving
- Make all files in a SkyDoc folder public with one click.
- Map SkyDoc files to fields on Item records. SkyDoc automatically updates the field with the latest version of the file
NetSuite 2019.2
SkyDoc Advanced v 2019.2
- Email templates
- Mass upload up to 100 files at a time
- Add notes against transactions within a folder/category
- Inline editor to easily categorize files in the SkyDoc display list
- Audit trail for SkyDoc file downloads in NetSuite
- Portal for external users to access SkyDoc files without needing NetSuite access
- Dashboard for SkyDoc-related information such as total number of files, folders, and storage used
- Merge SkyDoc files into a master record while performing Entity Duplicate Resolution in NetSuite
- Trigger approval workflow by manually selecting files from a list
- Automatically choose the correct folder based on the subsidiary of the record that a file is uploaded to
- Search SkyDoc using transaction number
- Access SkyDoc files directly from the saved search results page
- SkyDoc Portal
NetSuite 2019.1
SkyDoc Advanced v 2019.1
- Grid View
- Setup page to enable/disable features
- Ability to create folders on the record/transaction
- SkyDoc in Employee center
- SkyDoc in Vendor center
- SkyDoc in Customer center
- Approval workflow on documents
NetSuite 2018.2
SkyDoc Advanced v 2018.2
- Move/copy Files
- Attach files
- Merge PDF
NetSuite 2018.1
SkyDoc Advanced v 2018.1
- Ability for the users to add tags to files that are being uploaded
- Ability to upload file from NetSuite file cabinet to S3
- Version Control
- Ability to make files public/private
NetSuite 2017.2
SkyDoc Advanced v 2017.2
- Creation of Custom records for each file uploaded
- SkyDoc Folders
NetSuite 2017.1
SkyDoc Basic v 2017.1
- No New Updates
NetSuite 2016.2
SkyDoc Basic v 2016.2
- One Screen for both Drag and Drop and Viewing Files
NetSuite 2016.1
SkyDoc Basic v 2016.1
- Add Files on Expense Lines
NetSuite 2015.2
SkyDoc Basic v 2015.2
- Drag and Drop
- Place files into Amazon S3
- Select Categories