SkyDoc Upgrades

We release our new features on SkyDoc to coincide with NetSuite releases. 



Current Version:

NetSuite 2020.1

SkyDoc Advanced v 2020.1


  1. Enhanced file privacy
  2. Check out files
  3. View SkyDoc files attached to related transactions
  4. SkyDoc files are retained as an entity transitions progresses through the customer life cycle
  5. Assign a SkyDoc file to multiple categories
  6. Upgraded user interface
  7. SkyDoc Portlet available for NetSuite Dashboard
  8. Drag and drop files to expense report lines.
  9. Data Archiving
  10. Make all files in a SkyDoc folder public with one click.
  11. Map SkyDoc files to fields on Item records. SkyDoc automatically updates the field with the latest version of the file

NetSuite 2019.2
SkyDoc Advanced v 2019.2


  1. Email templates
  2. Mass upload up to 100 files at a time
  3. Add notes against transactions within a folder/category
  4. Inline editor to easily categorize files in the SkyDoc display list
  5. Audit trail for SkyDoc file downloads in NetSuite
  6. Portal for external users to access SkyDoc files without needing NetSuite access
  7. Dashboard for SkyDoc-related information such as total number of files, folders, and storage used
  8. Merge SkyDoc files into a master record while performing Entity Duplicate Resolution in NetSuite
  9. Trigger approval workflow by manually selecting files from a list
  10. Automatically choose the correct folder based on the subsidiary of the record that a file is uploaded to
  11. Search SkyDoc using transaction number
  12. Access SkyDoc files directly from the saved search results page
  13. SkyDoc Portal

NetSuite 2019.1
SkyDoc Advanced v 2019.1


  1. Grid View
  2. Setup page to enable/disable features
  3. Ability to create folders on the record/transaction
  4. SkyDoc in Employee center
  5. SkyDoc in Vendor center
  6. SkyDoc in Customer center
  7. Approval workflow on documents

NetSuite 2018.2
SkyDoc Advanced v 2018.2


  1. Move/copy Files
  2. Attach files
  3. Merge PDF

NetSuite 2018.1
SkyDoc Advanced v 2018.1


  1. Ability for the users to add tags to files that are being uploaded
  2. Ability to upload file from NetSuite file cabinet to S3
  3. Version Control
  4. Ability to make files public/private

NetSuite 2017.2
SkyDoc Advanced v 2017.2


  1. Creation of Custom records for each file uploaded
  2. SkyDoc Folders

NetSuite 2017.1
SkyDoc Basic v 2017.1


  1. No New Updates

NetSuite 2016.2
SkyDoc Basic v 2016.2


  1. One Screen for both Drag and Drop and Viewing Files

NetSuite 2016.1
SkyDoc Basic v 2016.1


  1. Add Files on Expense Lines

NetSuite 2015.2
SkyDoc Basic v 2015.2


  1. Drag and Drop
  2. Place files into Amazon S3
  3. Select Categories


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