January 23, 2025

Vendor Statement Hidden Features: Filters

The Vendor Statement SuiteApp helps manage vendor payments and simplifies the invoice reconciliation process. This SuiteApp automates mailing of statements to vendors, including financial transactions such as vendor invoices, bill payments, journals and bill credits. One of the key features of Vendor Statement is the number of criteria that it provides users so that they can filter out and choose select vendors from a list:

  • Statement Date: Choose any date in this filter in order to see vendors with open transactions from the start date, which is 30 days (by default) before the statement date, to your selected date. You can also manually enter a statement period other that the default 30-day period.
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
  • Vendor Category: Choose an option from the dropdown to filter vendors based on category.
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
  • Include Zero Balance: Check this option to include vendors with zero balance statements in the display list.
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
  • Show Only Open Transactions: Check this option to show only vendors that have open transactions in the display list. Leaving the box unchecked will display vendors who don't have open transactions in the search results.
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
  • Exclude Aging Balance: Applying this filter will exclude the aging balance in the PDF statement generated.
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
  • Select Currency: This option applies to vendors that transact in multiple currencies. Click the checkbox next to the vendor name and then click on the Select Currency button to choose a currency from the list in the dropdown. By default, the system will select all currencies while generating the statement.
Tvarana Vendor Statement Suiteapp
  • Subsidiary: For NetSuite One World accounts, the app automatically filters all vendors and transactions based on the subsidiary of the logged in user. Column names will be shown in the display in different languages based on the selected subsidiary.

Need to know more about what Vendor Statement has to offer? Schedule a call with our team today! You can also catch up on our previous blog posts: