SkyDoc FAQ’s

Product questions and troubleshooting




How can a role be given access to the AWS record?

  • Navigate to Customizations > Lists,Records & Fields > Record Types
  • Click on AWS S3 file record
  • Go to the permissions tab, select and add the required roles by selecting level
  • Select Access Type as “Use Permission List
  • Save the record

How can roles other than administrator access SkyDoc?

Select the required roles in Setup > SkyDoc > SkyDoc Roles to access SkyDoc for other roles.

How can SkyDoc actions be restricted based on role?

To add additional roles, navigate to Setup > SkyDoc > SkyDoc Roles and select roles. 

Roles can be granted permission to perform various actions such as upload, delete, view, attach files, move/copy,etc.

Click on the checkbox to give permissions for all roles, or select desired roles one by one.




Access to AWS records can be granted as follows:

  • Navigate to Customizations > Lists,Records & Fields > Record Types
  • Click on AWS S3 file record
  • Go to the Permissions tab, select and add the desired roles by selecting level
  • Select Access Type as Use Permission List
  • Save the record


How can access to SkyDoc folders be customized by role?

Folder access for users can be restricted in the following ways:

  • Giving access to all employees by clicking on the Access to All Employees checkbox.
  • Using a saved search in the Saved Search Employee Access field, which filters users from saved search results and allows them folder access
  • Manually select users to whom you would like to grant folder access in the Access to Folder field

Access to folders can only be restricted for certain roles, but not their functionalities.

View our tutorial video on SkyDoc Folders for more information by following the link below:

SkyDoc Folders Tutorial

What is the difference between SkyDoc Folders and SkyDoc Folders List?

New folders can be created and viewed in the SkyDoc Folders List. On the SkyDoc Folders page, however, only the folders and files in that folder which the current user has access to can be viewed. Users selected from the SkyDoc Folder Record can be given access to SkyDoc Folders in any of the following ways: 

  • Access To Folder Field: Users can be selected in the Access to Folder Field to grant them access to SkyDoc Folder
  • Saved Search Employee Access Field: Access can be granted to multiple users by creating a search entity and selecting the search in Saved Search Employee Access Field
  • Access To All Employees Field: This allows all employees to access the SkyDoc Folder



Why aren’t new employees added by saved search not seeing folder access in the Access to Folders field?

When a new employee is added to the saved search, Access To Folder field on Folder record will not immediately update for the new employee. A scheduled script that runs every hour updates the Folder Access for new employees added in the search.


Can users be given view-only access to folders?

View permissions can be granted to desired roles for folders/documents by updating roles and permissions under the Permissions tab on the custom records below.

AWS S3 file record: For Documents

SkyDoc Folders: For Folders

To restrict any role to view/upload files only, go to Setup > SkyDoc > Setup Roles

On this page, you can select the roles and permissions.


Is the AWS subscription cost included in my SkyDoc purchase?

No, you will be billed directly by AWS for the storage that you use.


How long does SkyDoc take to implement?

It takes about 4 hours for our team to install and test SkyDoc into either your sandbox or production account. I will take additional time if any customizations were completed, or any data migration needs to be done. For a more detailed installation process click here

How can I learn more about SkyDoc and how to customize it?

Visit the Tvarana YouTube page for additional resources on SkyDoc. We also offer a one-time training session on SkyDoc after signup.

Can external app data be transferred to SkyDoc?

Once the Tvarana dev team has the AWS S3 details, your external app data can be transferred to SkyDoc.

What is the blue question mark/status column in the SkyDoc list?

The blue question mark/status column is part of the Approval process for SkyDoc files. The uploaded files are approved either by Supervisor, Expense Approver (or) Purchase Approver for Purchase Orders, Expense Reports and Employee records.

Is there a benefit to turning off the “Block Public Access” feature?

Files can be made either private or public according to your need by toggling the “Block Public Access” feature and clicking on the public/private URL button in AWS record.

What is involved in the process of moving files to SkyDoc?

Files attached to NetSuite records are moved to SkyDoc as the first step. Once you are comfortable with using SkyDoc, these files will be deleted from NetSuite and will exist solely in Amazon S3. Every file uploaded to SkyDoc is stored in the AWS account and can be accessed easily.

What happens to files in SkyDoc when two records are merged?

All SkyDoc files attached to the duplicate record will be moved to the merged record.

What is SkyDoc Portal?

SkyDoc Portal allows collaboration between NetSuite users and those without NetSuite access, such as vendors and contacts. Files are uploaded to the SkyDoc tab in Netsuite and can be approved/rejected by external users. In order to use SkyDoc external portal, an author (user who provides access to external contacts) must be assigned for every email sent in the approval process. The author sends the file for approval via an email link. The recipient clicks on the link to be taken to the Portal. Here they can view files sent to them, add comments, and approve or reject files.


Can SkyDoc files attached to records be retrieved through saved search?

Yes, files attached to item, transaction and entity records can be retrieved using a saved search, and can also be viewed in the saved search results page.

How do I view files in SkyDoc?

Files can be viewed in any of the following ways:

  • Preview by hovering the mouse over the file name
  • By clicking on the View link in the SkyDoc display list in the records
  • By clicking on the View button in the AWS record related to the file

What is versioning in SkyDoc?

SkyDoc automatically increments the version number of a file attached to a record with each subsequent upload.

Why is the SkyDoc tab not visible when I create a new record?

The SkyDoc tab does not appear in the record in Create mode. It can be accessed after saving, in View and Edit modes.

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